Welcome to the Ministries of David Frazie

Greetings… My desire is to Share the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all the World. As an Evangelist, I make myself available for

  • Tent Meetings
  • Revivals
  • Faith Promise Missions
  • Camp Meetings
  • Home Run Sunday.

The Good News

The Gospel of Jesus Christ is the only gospel that can set people free. We all know people who need the power of God in their lives.  The power of God releases them from the curse and bondage of sin. Instead we’re ashamed, we refuse to go public with The Good News, and people all around us are missing out on the life changing power of The Gospel.  Its time we get it out of the four walls of the local church and go public with the Gospel by declaring Christ’s glory among the heathen, and in our communities.  This is my burden and I bring this message to churches across America!



Come to the Tent!

The tent is used to take the Gospel right to where men, women, and children live.  Just like God came and pitched his tent among men in his son Jesus Christ (John 1:14), Christ has now sent us into the world (John 20:21, 17:18).  The tent is neutral ground to the community, it tears down some barriers that people might have, hang-ups that would keep them from coming to our churches.  It’s a wonderful tool to enter into the realm of the unregenerate to proclaim Christ.  We realize that once they are saved, church is no longer a problem, it’s just that the devil is such a deceiver.  We are told to go get them, redeem the time, compel them to come, warn the wicked (we are not told to hide out in our church and misery three times a week).  It’s time that we break out and get on the line of scrimmage, church!

Home Run Sunday

The game of Baseball is known all over the world and the name of Babe Ruth is known everywhere baseball is. One day someone said I look like “the Babe” I realized I could use the message of Babe Ruth to stir the hearts of young and old alike; how that fame and fortune can lead you broke and headed to a fiery hell. I take this message as Babe Ruth to all that will here; many churches will use this program as a big field day inviting folks to come and meet “the Babe” and leave hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ in a powerful message of hope and triumph.