All Across America each week, Christians sit, soak, and sour as they become spiritual consumers without being gospel deliverers. We have the authority to go and unleash this spiritual fire so people might be overwhelmed with the Grace of God and be born again. Then, like the believers in Acts, we will see God adding to the church daily those who are being saved.
The Gospel is the power of God to everyone who believes. It will transform your relationships, your circumstances, and your life, and it can do the same for everyone with whom you share it with. It’s time to go public with the Gospel! Let’s stop being intimidated and ashamed. Everybody else is “coming out”, so we might as well come out too!! The benefits of evangelism are too great to keep it to ourselves.
My burden is for America! I believe the greatest help for America is Jesus in the local church. The local church however is struggling. The church is struggling because of fractured families and marriages. Our teenagers are destroying themselves with drug addiction, alcoholism, ext. Did you know suicide is the second largest killer of teenagers? America is crying out for help! My desire is to help the local church, the pastor and the people. I wish to remind them of the mission of the church and that what they do does make a difference. We need to live godly lives, bear fruit, proclaim the Excellencies of Him who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light (1 Peter 2:9), (Titus 2:10), and bring revival back into our churches.